Aug 22, 2009

Angular Momentum Verre Èglomisé - Beauty & Glamour Color Collection

Beauty & Glamour
Verre Èglomisé Timepieces
The Meaning of Color

Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday‘s color is yellow-gold.

While red is associated with fiery heat, orange is associated with the benign warmth of the sun. A dynamic color to be sure, orange offers a more thoughtful control than explosive red. Curiosity is a driving characteristic of orange, and with it comes exploration of new things.

Red is associated with fiery heat and warmth. It can also mean danger (burning). Red is the color of blood, and as such has strong symbolism as life and vitality. It rings focus to the essence of life and living with emphasis on survival. Red is also the color of passion and lust.

Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Lovers of beauty favor pink. A pink carnation means „I will never forget you

Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the
combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday‘s color is purple.

Turquoise is the symbol of youth, both the color and the gemstone. This color has a soothing affect. Turquoise is the color of communication. It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality of communication. Turquoise has
long been used in amulets to provide protection, health, confidence and strength.

Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eyeshades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia.